
The PLG Glossary

The PLG Glossary

Customer Success

Account Health Score

Definition of

Account Health Score

Account Health Score

Account Health Score

An account health score is a metric that measures the overall health and performance of an account based on certain predetermined criteria. This score is typically used by businesses to evaluate the health of their customer accounts and identify areas of improvement. For instance, in the world of SaaS (Software as a Service), an account health score may be determined by factors such as product usage, customer engagement, and customer feedback. This score can help businesses identify customers who may be at risk of churn or disengagement, allowing them to take proactive steps to improve the customer experience. An example of this could be a customer service software company that uses an account health score to monitor its customers' satisfaction levels. If the score indicates that a customer is at risk of churning, the company can reach out to the customer and offer to help them resolve any issues they may be facing. This can help the company retain the customer and improve their overall satisfaction.