Any product metric, tied directly back to marketing.

Any product metric, tied directly back to marketing.

Delve into the true product impact of your marketing by easily measuring direct impact on MAU growth, feature adoption, purchase rates, or any other event in the user lifecycle.

Delve into the true product impact of your marketing by easily measuring direct impact on MAU growth, feature adoption, purchase rates, or any other event in the user lifecycle.

Delve into the true product impact of your marketing by easily measuring direct impact on MAU growth, feature adoption, purchase rates, or any other event in the user lifecycle.

Get started - it’s free

Get started - it’s free

Get started - it’s free

Features that growth marketers deserve

Features that growth marketers deserve

Features that growth marketers deserve

An opinionated product that retires your vanity metrics.

MAU impact metrics

MAU impact metrics

Track how your product MAU changes due to experiments and tactics

MAU impact metrics

Track how your product MAU changes due to experiments and tactics

Reactivation campaigns

Don't just attract users, bring back the ones who left with Resurrection goals.

Real-time sync

Real-time sync

Your data is always updated to the minute, across every page.

Your data is always updated to the minute, across every page.

Your data is always updated to the minute, across every page.

Executive shareability
Share your successes with executives and managers.
Share your successes with executives and managers.
Share your successes with executives and managers.

Contact enrichment

Contact enrichment

Flywheel automatically generates the department and level of your contacts.

Flywheel automatically generates the department and level of your contacts.

Flywheel automatically generates the department and level of your contacts.

Reactivation campaigns

Reactivation campaigns

Don't just attract users, bring back the ones who left with Resurrection goals.

Don't just attract users, bring back the ones who left with Resurrection goals.

Don't just attract users, bring back the ones who left with Resurrection goals.


Flywheel is free.

Your growth is priceless.

Analyze and engage up to 1,000 active users a month, for free.


Flywheel is free.

Your growth is priceless.

Analyze and engage up to 1,000 active users a month, for free.


Flywheel is free.

Your growth is priceless.

Analyze and engage up to 1,000 active users a month, for free.

"Flywheel is almost a 1:1 match of the metrics and dashboards that Atlassian uses. Except it looks better and works automatically."

"Flywheel is almost a 1:1 match of the metrics and dashboards that Atlassian uses. Except it looks better and works automatically."

"Flywheel is almost a 1:1 match of the metrics and dashboards that Atlassian uses. Except it looks better and works automatically."

"Flywheel is almost a 1:1 match of the metrics and dashboards that Atlassian uses. Except it looks better and works automatically."

Manav Dalmiya

Manav Dalmiya

Manav Dalmiya

Analytics Lead, Growth Marketing

Nurture / Adopt

Nurture / Adopt

Nurture / Adopt

Get instant feedback on which channels and tactics bring in not just users, but potential customers.

Get started – it's free.

User growth metrics

Track which assets and tactics bring in new users. Or reactivate them. Or do nothing.

Channel comparisons

See which channels produce your best leads, based on the likliehood those leads will buy.

Algorithmic lead scoring

Our cohort-based algorithm compares product adoption between companies and ranks accordingly.

Get instant feedback on which channels and tactics bring in not just users, but potential customers.

Get started – it's free.

User growth metrics

Track which assets and tactics bring in new users. Or reactivate them. Or do nothing.

Channel comparisons

See which channels produce your best leads, based on the likliehood those leads will buy.

Algorithmic lead scoring

Our cohort-based algorithm compares product adoption between companies and ranks accordingly.

Acquire / Convert

Acquire / Convert

Attract / Convince

Solving problems for growth marketers

Solving problems for growth marketers

Solving problems for growth marketers

User activation

User activation

User activation

Lead scoring

Lead scoring

Lead scoring

Reactivation campaigns

Reactivation campaigns

Reactivation campaigns

Persona building

Persona building

Persona building

Dodge the numbers trap. Flywheel helps marketers know who they’re reaching and see how well their messaging performs.

Activity-based dashboards

Flywheel’s dashboards creates funnels based on user activity, so you don’t waste time on bad leads.

Reactivation metrics

Marketing is the only way to bring users back into a product. So we made Flywheel track resurrection by default.


Combine demographic, firmographic, marketing, and product data into segments – then measure how well your content resonates.

Dodge the numbers trap. Flywheel helps marketers know who they’re reaching and see how well their messaging performs.

Activity-based dashboards

Flywheel’s dashboards creates funnels based on user activity, so you don’t waste time on bad leads.

Reactivation metrics

Marketing is the only way to bring users back into a product. So we made Flywheel track resurrection by default.


Combine demographic, firmographic, marketing, and product data into segments – then measure how well your content resonates.
