Connecting Hubspot
To connect Hubspot, head to the Integrations page in Flywheel. Or, you can click on the Integrations tab in the left navigation. From there, find the Hubspot integration card and click on Connect.
You’ll now be prompted to log into Hubspot. After doing so, select the Hubspot instance you’d like to connect and click Choose Account. Accept the terms and then you’re done integrating.
What Flywheel syncs from Hubspot
Flywheel will ingest and analyze the majority of your Hubspot data and objects. The following Hubspot object types are currently supported in Flywheel:
Web pages
Landing pages
Blog posts
How Flywheel uses Hubspot data
The objects listed above, and the data within them, gets turned into either an Account, Contact, or Asset. Here is how we map those objects:
Hubspot Companies -> Flywheel Accounts
Hubspot Contacts -> Flywheel Contacts
Hubspot Emails -> Flywheel Assets (in the Emails category)
Hubspot Web pages -> Flywheel Assets (in the Web pages category)
Hubspot Landing pages -> Flywheel Assets (in the Landing pages category)
Hubspot Blog posts -> Flywheel Assets (in the Blog posts category)
Syncing Contacts and Accounts
Contacts are synced by matching email addresses in Flywheel with email addresses in Hubspot.
Accounts are synced by matching domains in Flywheel with domains in Hubspot. If you haven’t already added a domain for an Account, we will try to determine a domain by looking at the email addresses of the contacts associated with that Account.
Assets are synced by matching clean URLs in Flywheel (URLs with any UTM parameters removed) with Web pages, Landing pages, or Blog posts in Hubspot. Email assets are only ever synced directly from Hubspot and are never created by Flywheel.
Re-syncing Hubspot accounts
If you believe something needs updated with your Hubspot integration, you can re-integrate in a few clicks. Navigate to the Integrations page, then click on the rotating arrows next to the Hubspot account you’d like to re-integrate. Doing so will take you back to the same page you saw when originally integrating.
Choose the Hubspot account that you’d like to re-integrate with, then click Choose account.
Changing Hubspot data
Every Contact, Account, or Asset in Flywheel that has a corresponding Hubspot reference will link to it directly via a Hubspot icon. You can find the Hubspot icon in various places. Clicking on this link will take you to the Hubspot reference where you can then change any data you'd like. That changed data will be synced back into Flywheel.
Sending data to Hubspot
Flywheel does not currently support bidirectional data syncs. This means that Flywheel is unable to change the data in your Hubspot instance directly at this time. If you’d like this functionality, reach out and let us know.